Native .dwg file support | | | | |
*.dwg file support for v2.5 up to Latest Version | | | | |
Digital Signatures for *.dwg Drawings | | | | |
MicroStation *.dgn native Open file support | since 8.2 | since 8.2 | | |
Open/Save - Supports *.dwg, *.dxf, *,dwf, *.dxb & *.dwt file extensions | | | | |
Export - Supports 2D/3D *.pdf, *.svg, *,dwf, *.bmp, *.emf, *.wmf, *.dwf & *.stl file extensions | | | | |
Import - Supports 3D Collada *.dae | | | | |
Import/Export - Supports ACIS 3D Solids *.sat | | | | |
STEP & IGES Import/Export | | | | |
Vectored PDF files Import for direct editing | | | | |
BIM support *.ifc, *.rvt/*.rfa | no *.ifc | | | |
Attach point cloud .rcp/.rcs files. | | | | |
Support for command Line | | | | |
Support for 3D surface commands | | | | |
Facet Modeler for lightweight 3D drawings. | | | | |
Support for 3D Solids modeling | | | | |
AEC entities such as walls, windows, doors, openings, stairs, railings & slabs, etc. | | | | |
Printing, Publishing with eTransmit | | | | |
LISP support (including DCL) | | | | |
Autodesk® Development System (ADS) support | | | | |
Object IRX for custom entity creation | | | ARX | |
AutoCAD® software menu (.mnu) and script (.scr) files | | | | |
TrueType™ font support | | | | |
Raster Image Support (See full list of supported image file extensions) | | | | |
Work with Multiple Open Drawing | | | | |
Explorer for managing layers, block, line types, and more | | | | |
Express tools | | | | |
Tool palettes | | | | |
Tables support | | | | |
Microsoft ActiveX support, including in-place editing | | | | |
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications - VBA 7.1 | | | | |
Microsoft .NET 4.5 API | | | | |
Script Recorder | | | | |
Graphical Block Preview | | | | |
Visual Menu Customization | | | | |
Right-mouse click to edit properties of multiple selected entries | | | | |
Professional Photo-realistic 3D Rendering | | | | |
Advanced Photo-realistic 3D Rendering with ARTISAN Add-on module | since 8.2 | since 8.2 | | |
Photo-realistic 3-D Real time shading | | | | |
Photo-realistic Geographic Location and Geographic Maps | | | | |
System Requirements free RAM/HD Space for Full Installation | 2GB(64-Bit)/4GB | 2GB(64-Bit)/4GB | 8GB/10GB | 8GB/10GB |
Price | Price | Price | Subscription | Subscription |